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ICO NameChozun
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chozun is the world's first travel destination experience, services & lifestyle ecosystem powered by a cryptocurrency backed by blockchain & smart-contract technology. The ecosystem exists to make sure travellers are matched to the best personalised local experiences & services using proprietary AI & Data Science and allows users to build loyalty across multiple verticals as well as globally. chozun focuses on the millennial independent travel market and specifically serves China's growing millennial outbound travellers, with a plan to target Asia's wider middle-class millennial market and will develop into a global player. Users can interact with other travellers similar to themselves and access special brand bounties. Our inventory of unique experiences from food to private drivers, members clubs to spas - lives on the blockchain which allows users to more efficiently and cheaply book their experiences and for our providers to gain greater benefits through lower fees and faster transaction chain.

Existing platforms and touch points make it hard to find contextual and personalised experiences regarding what to do and where to go on your travels. chozun employs the power of AI & Data Science to contextualise and personalise experiences and services - understanding users and others like them. chozun creates 'user travel squads' to make information & matching more relevant and allow peer-to-peer interactions that strengthen the chozun ecosystem.

The travel market is outdated and archaic, in particular destination bookings and information rely on existing centralized implementations. Platforms like TripAdvisor, Dianping and Priceline are outdated dinosaurs who control their data in typically commercial (advertising et al) ways rather than for the benefit of the user/consumer and have not advanced in creating better experiences for them. These databases are penetrated by skewed, fake reviews and an overload of irrelevant information. They also charge large fees related to bookings and do not reward users or providers in the most profitable ways.

As chozun continues to build its database of experiences and services globally covering many interests (i.e sustainable, adventure) and niches (i.e halal, LGBTQ) the opportunity for third parties to utilise and build upon chozun’s direct booking and information using APIs opens up. The authentication of businesses catering to a certain niche will be backed by the blockchain creating further trust between provider to consumer.

CEO & Co-Founder
CEO & Co-Founder
Price1 CZN = 0.60 USD Sale50,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum InvestmentN/A Distribution50% RaisedN/A
Soft CapN/A Hard CapN/A