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ICO NameYouRa
Start DateJanuary 01, 2018
End DateTBA
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We want to introduce you our first project - a universal platform for communication on interests, based on a social network principles. This is the most advanced communicator YouRa (Your Radio abbr.) YouRa provides to users one more version of Web-communication. It seems that everything that could be done to satisfy the tastes and needs of jaded users is already implemented in different applications. Nevertheless, presenting a unique communication platform, a hybrid between messenger and social network with most demanded features of voice connection, YouRa brings unique combination that was never seen in other applications before. YouRa will undeniably attract millions of fans around the world due to its various communication options. The application of flexible functional capabilities and realizing its great development potential will not limit our users by people, who are only interested in new ways of entertainment. YouRa is the best choice for those who want to communicate without fear of tapping their conversations - no registration required, communication is encrypted and there is no server data storage!

Chief Consultant on Strategy and Development
Price0.03 USD Sale500,000,000 Payment ModeETH
Minimum Investment100 YRC Distribution50% RaisedN/A
Soft Cap3000000 EUR Hard Cap15000000 EUR